JS Reference

JS by Category JS by Alphabet


JS Array JS Boolean JS Classes JS Date JS Error JS Global JS JSON JS Math JS Number JS Operators JS RegExp JS Statements JS String


Window Object Window Console Window History Window Location Window Navigator Window Screen


DOM Document DOM Element DOM Attributes DOM Events DOM Event Objects DOM HTMLCollection DOM Style
alignContent alignItems alignSelf animation animationDelay animationDirection animationDuration animationFillMode animationIterationCount animationName animationTimingFunction animationPlayState background backgroundAttachment backgroundColor backgroundImage backgroundPosition backgroundRepeat backgroundClip backgroundOrigin backgroundSize backfaceVisibility border borderBottom borderBottomColor borderBottomLeftRadius borderBottomRightRadius borderBottomStyle borderBottomWidth borderCollapse borderColor borderImage borderImageOutset borderImageRepeat borderImageSlice borderImageSource borderImageWidth borderLeft borderLeftColor borderLeftStyle borderLeftWidth borderRadius borderRight borderRightColor borderRightStyle borderRightWidth borderSpacing borderStyle borderTop borderTopColor borderTopLeftRadius borderTopRightRadius borderTopStyle borderTopWidth borderWidth bottom boxShadow boxSizing captionSide caretColor clear clip color columnCount columnFill columnGap columnRule columnRuleColor columnRuleStyle columnRuleWidth columns columnSpan columnWidth counterIncrement counterReset cursor direction display emptyCells filter flex flexBasis flexDirection flexFlow flexGrow flexShrink flexWrap cssFloat font fontFamily fontSize fontStyle fontVariant fontWeight fontSizeAdjust height isolation justifyContent left letterSpacing lineHeight listStyle listStyleImage listStylePosition listStyleType margin marginBottom marginLeft marginRight marginTop maxHeight maxWidth minHeight minWidth objectFit objectPosition opacity order orphans outline outlineColor outlineOffset outlineStyle outlineWidth overflow overflowX overflowY padding paddingBottom paddingLeft paddingRight paddingTop pageBreakAfter pageBreakBefore pageBreakInside perspective perspectiveOrigin position quotes resize right scrollBehavior tableLayout tabSize textAlign textAlignLast textDecoration textDecorationColor textDecorationLine textDecorationStyle textIndent textOverflow textShadow textTransform top transform transformOrigin transformStyle transition transitionProperty transitionDuration transitionTimingFunction transitionDelay unicodeBidi userSelect verticalAlign visibility width wordBreak wordSpacing wordWrap widows zIndex

Web APIs

API Console API Fullscreen API Geolocation API History API MediaQueryList API Storage

HTML Objects

<a> <abbr> <address> <area> <article> <aside> <audio> <b> <base> <bdo> <blockquote> <body> <br> <button> <canvas> <caption> <cite> <code> <col> <colgroup> <datalist> <dd> <del> <details> <dfn> <dialog> <div> <dl> <dt> <em> <embed> <fieldset> <figcaption> <figure> <footer> <form> <head> <header> <h1> - <h6> <hr> <html> <i> <iframe> <img> <ins> <input> button <input> checkbox <input> color <input> date <input> datetime <input> datetime-local <input> email <input> file <input> hidden <input> image <input> month <input> number <input> password <input> radio <input> range <input> reset <input> search <input> submit <input> text <input> time <input> url <input> week <kbd> <label> <legend> <li> <link> <map> <mark> <menu> <menuitem> <meta> <meter> <nav> <object> <ol> <optgroup> <option> <output> <p> <param> <pre> <progress> <q> <s> <samp> <script> <section> <select> <small> <source> <span> <strong> <style> <sub> <summary> <sup> <table> <tbody> <td> <tfoot> <th> <thead> <tr> <textarea> <time> <title> <track> <u> <ul> <var> <video>

Other References

CSSStyleDeclaration JS Conversion

Elenco di classi di elementi HTML DOM

❮ Oggetto Elemento


Aggiungi una classe "myStyle" a un elemento:


Rimuovere la classe "myStyle" da un elemento:


Alterna tra due classi per un elemento:


Altri esempi di seguito.

Definizione e utilizzo

La classListproprietà restituisce i nomi delle classi CSS di un elemento.

La classListproprietà restituisce un oggetto DOMTokenList.

La classListproprietà è di sola lettura, ma puoi usare i metodi add() e remove() per aggiungere o rimuovere classi CSS.


La classListproprietà è utile sia per aggiungere, rimuovere e attivare/disattivare classi CSS su un elemento.

Guarda anche:

La proprietà className dell'elemento

Il metodo Document getElementsByClassName()

L'oggetto in stile DOM HTML



Valori di proprietà

Value Description
length The number of classes in the list.
This property is read-only.


Method Description
class2, ...
Adds one or more classes.
contains(class) Returns true if an element has the class, otherwise false.
item(index) Returns the class name with a specified index.
Index starts at 0.
Returns null if the index is out of range.
remove(class1, class2, ...) Removes one or more classes from an element.

Removing a class that does not exist, does NOT throw an error.
toggle(class, true|false) Toggles between a class for an element.

It removes the class and returns false.
If the class does not exist, it adds the class and returns true.

The optional second parameter is a boolean that forces the class to be added or removed, regardless of whether or not it already exists.

The second parameter is not supported in Internet Explorer 11 or earlier.

Valore di ritorno

Type Description
ObjectA DOMTokenList.
A list of the class names of an element.

Altri esempi

Aggiungi più classi a un elemento:

element.classList.add("myStyle", "anotherClass", "thirdClass");

Rimuovere più classi da un elemento:

element.classList.remove("myStyle", "anotherClass", "thirdClass");

Quanti nomi di classe ha l'elemento:

let numb = element.classList.length;

Ottieni i nomi delle classi dell'elemento "myDIV":

<div id="myDIV" class="myStyle anotherClass thirdClass">
<p>I am myDIV.</p>

const list = document.getElementById("myDIV").classList;

Ottieni la prima classe di un elemento:

let className = element.classList.item(0);

Un elemento ha una classe "myStyle"?

let x = element.classList.contains("myStyle");

Rimuovere "anotherClass" se un elemento ha una classe "myStyle".

if (element.classList.contains("mystyle")) {

Passa da una classe all'altra per creare un pulsante a discesa:

document.getElementById("myBtn").onclick = function() {myFunction()};

function myFunction() {

Crea una barra di navigazione appiccicosa:

// Get the navbar
var navbar = document.getElementById("navbar");

// Get the offset position of the navbar
var sticky = navbar.offsetTop;

// Add the sticky class to the navbar when you reach its scroll position. Remove the sticky class when you leave the scroll position.
function myFunction() {
  if (window.pageYOffset  >= sticky) {
  } else {

Pagine correlate

Esercitazione CSS: sintassi CSS

Riferimento CSS: Selettore CSS .class

Supporto browser

element.classListè supportato in tutti i browser:

Chrome IE Edge Firefox Safari Opera
Yes 10-11 Yes Yes Yes Yes

❮ L'oggetto elemento