Esercitazione PHP

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Moduli PHP

Gestione dei moduli PHP Convalida del modulo PHP Modulo PHP richiesto URL/e-mail del modulo PHP Modulo PHP completo

PHP avanzato

Data e ora PHP PHP Include Gestione dei file PHP Apri/Leggi file PHP Creazione/scrittura di file PHP Caricamento file PHP Cookie PHP Sessioni PHP Filtri PHP Filtri PHP avanzati Funzioni di callback PHP PHP JSON Eccezioni PHP


PHP Che cos'è OOP Classi/Oggetti PHP Costruttore PHP PHP distruttore Modificatori di accesso PHP Ereditarietà PHP Costanti PHP Classi astratte PHP Interfacce PHP Tratti PHP Metodi statici PHP Proprietà statiche PHP Spazi dei nomi PHP Iterabili PHP

Database MySQL

Database MySQL MySQL Connect MySQL Crea DB MySQL Crea tabella Dati di inserimento MySQL MySQL Ottieni l'ultimo ID MySQL inserisce più MySQL preparato MySQL Seleziona dati MySQL dove MySQL Ordina per MySQL Elimina dati Dati di aggiornamento MySQL Dati limite MySQL


Parser XML PHP Analizzatore PHP SimpleXML PHP SimpleXML - Ottieni PHP XML espatriato PHP XML DOM


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Esempi PHP

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Riferimento PHP

Panoramica di PHP matrice PHP Calendario PHP Data PHP Directory PHP Errore PHP Eccezione PHP File system PHP Filtro PHP PHP FTP PHP JSON Parole chiave PHP PHP Libxml Posta PHP PHP matematica PHP Varie PHP MySQLi Rete PHP Controllo dell'output PHP RegEx PHP PHP SimpleXML Flusso PHP Stringa PHP Gestione delle variabili PHP Analizzatore XML PHP Zip PHP Fuso orario PHP

Funzioni di filtro PHP

Introduzione al filtro PHP

Questi filtri PHP vengono utilizzati per convalidare e filtrare i dati provenienti da fonti non sicure, come l'input dell'utente.


Da PHP 5.2.0, le funzioni di filtro sono abilitate per impostazione predefinita. Non è necessaria alcuna installazione per utilizzare queste funzioni.

Configurazioni di runtime

Il comportamento di queste funzioni è influenzato dalle impostazioni in php.ini:

Name Description Default Changeable
filter.default Filter all $_GET, $_POST, $_COOKIE, $_REQUEST and $_SERVER data by this filter. Accepts the name of the filter you like to use by default. See the filter list for the list of the filter names "unsafe_raw" PHP_INI_PERDIR
filter.default_flags Default flags to apply when the default filter is set. This is set to FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES by default for backwards compatibility reasons NULL PHP_INI_PERDIR

Funzioni di filtro PHP

Function Description
filter_has_var() Checks whether a variable of a specified input type exist
filter_id() Returns the filter ID of a specified filter name
filter_input() Gets an external variable (e.g. from form input) and optionally filters it
filter_input_array() Gets external variables (e.g. from form input) and optionally filters them
filter_list() Returns a list of all supported filter names
filter_var() Filters a variable with a specified filter
filter_var_array() Gets multiple variables and filter them

Costanti filtro predefinite PHP

Constant Description
INPUT_GET GET variables
INPUT_ENV ENV variables
FILTER_DEFAULT Do nothing, optionally strip/encode special characters. Equivalent to FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW
FILTER_FLAG_NONE Allows no flags
FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_OCTAL Only for inputs that starts with a zero (0) as octal numbers. This only allows the succeeding digits to be 0-7
FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_HEX Only for inputs that starts with 0x/0X as hexadecimal numbers. This only allows succeeding characters to be a-fA-F0-9
FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_LOW Strip characters with ASCII value lower than 32
FILTER_FLAG_STRIP_HIGH Strip characters with ASCII value greater than 127
FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_LOW Encode characters with ASCII value lower than 32
FILTER_FLAG_ENCODE_HIGH Encode characters with ASCII value greater than 127
FILTER_FLAG_NO_ENCODE_QUOTES Do not encode ' and "
FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_FRACTION Allows a period (.) as a fractional separator in numbers
FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_THOUSAND Allows a comma (,) as a thousands separator in numbers
FILTER_FLAG_ALLOW_SCIENTIFIC Allows an e or E for scientific notation in numbers
FILTER_FLAG_PATH_REQUIRED The URL must contain a path part
FILTER_FLAG_QUERY_REQUIRED The URL must contain a query string
FILTER_FLAG_IPV4 Allows the IP address to be in IPv4 format
FILTER_FLAG_IPV6 Allows the IP address to be in IPv6 format
FILTER_FLAG_NO_RES_RANGE Fails validation for the reserved IPv4 ranges:,, and, and for the reserved IPv6 ranges: ::1/128, ::/128, ::ffff:0:0/96 and fe80::/10
FILTER_FLAG_NO_PRIV_RANGE Fails validation for the private IPv4 ranges:, and, and for the IPv6 addresses starting with FD or FC
FILTER_FLAG_EMAIL_UNICODE Allows the local part of the email address to contain Unicode characters
FILTER_REQUIRE_SCALAR The value must be a scalar
FILTER_REQUIRE_ARRAY The value must be an array
FILTER_FORCE_ARRAY Treats a scalar value as array with the scalar value as only element
FILTER_NULL_ON_FAILURE Return NULL on failure for unrecognized boolean values
FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL Validates value as a valid e-mail address
FILTER_VALIDATE_FLOAT Validates value as float
FILTER_VALIDATE_INT Validates value as integer
FILTER_VALIDATE_IP Validates value as IP address
FILTER_VALIDATE_MAC Validates value as MAC address
FILTER_VALIDATE_REGEXP Validates value against a regular expression
FILTER_VALIDATE_URL Validates value as URL
FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL Removes all illegal characters from an e-mail address
FILTER_SANITIZE_ENCODED Removes/Encodes special characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_FLOAT Remove all characters, except digits, +- signs, and optionally .,eE
FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT Removes all characters except digits and + - signs
FILTER_SANITIZE_SPECIAL_CHARS Removes special characters
FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING Removes tags/special characters from a string
FILTER_SANITIZE_URL Removes all illegal character from a URL
FILTER_UNSAFE_RAW Do nothing, optionally strip/encode special characters
FILTER_CALLBACK Call a user-defined function to filter data