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PHP date_create_from_format() Funzione

❮ Riferimento di data/ora PHP


Restituisce un nuovo oggetto DateTime formattato secondo il formato specificato:


Definizione e utilizzo

La funzione date_create_from_format() restituisce un nuovo oggetto DateTime formattato in base al formato specificato.


date_create_from_format(format, time, timezone)

Valori dei parametri

Parameter Description
format Required. Specifies the format to use. The following characters can be used in the format parameter string:
  • d - Day of the month; with leading zeros
  • j - Day of the month; without leading zeros
  • D - Day of the month (Mon - Sun)
  • l - Day of the month (Monday - Sunday)
  • S - English suffix for day of the month (st, nd, rd, th)
  • F - Monthname (January - December)
  • M - Monthname (Jan-Dec)
  • m - Month (01-12)
  • n - Month (1-12)
  • Y - Year (e.g 2013)
  • y - Year (e.g 13)
  • a and A - am or pm
  • g - 12 hour format without leading zeros
  • G - 24 hour format without leading zeros
  • h - 12 hour format with leading zeros
  • H - 24 hour format with leading zeros
  • i - Minutes with leading zeros
  • s - Seconds with leading zeros
  • u - Microseconds (up to six digits)
  • e, O, P and T - Timezone identifier
  • U - Seconds since Unix Epoch
  • (space)
  • # - One of the following separation symbol: ;,:,/,.,,,-,(,)
  • ? - A random byte
  • * - Random bytes until next separator/digit
  • ! - Resets all fields to Unix Epoch
  • | - Resets all fields to Unix Epoch if they have not been parsed yet
  • + - If present, trailing data in the string will cause a warning, not an error
time Required. Specifies a date/time string. NULL indicates the current date/time
timezone Optional. Specifies the timezone of time. Default is the current timezone

Dettagli tecnici

Valore di ritorno: Restituisce un nuovo oggetto DateTime in caso di successo. FALSO in caso di fallimento
Versione PHP: 5.3+

❮ Riferimento di data/ora PHP