Teoria del colore

Cos'è la teoria dei colori?

La teoria del colore è una moltitudine di categorie, definizioni e concetti.

Questo tutorial copre le parti più utili per il web design:

  • Colori primari, secondari e terziari
  • Ruote dei colori (RGB, CMY, RYB)
  • Tonalità colore, luminosità e saturazione

Il colore della luce

Sir Isaac Newton ha sviluppato la teoria secondo cui tutti i colori sono miscele di luce rossa , verde e blu .

Ciò ha portato al primo cerchio di colori conosciuto nel 1666.

Sir Isaac Newton
Ruota dei colori

Il colore della vernice

Nel 1766 lo scienziato Moses Harris creò la prima ruota dei colori per classificare il rosso , il giallo e il blu come colori primari.

Moses Harris worked with paint (Newton worked with light) following a theory (by a French painter) that all colors are mixtures of Red, Yellow, and Blue pigments.

Mosè Harris
Ruota dei colori

Color Systems

In this tutorial we will cover 3 different color systems:

  • The color system used when producing colors by light (RGB)
  • The color system used when printing (CMY)
  • The color system used by artist and painters (RYB)

Printing actually uses a four ink color system.

CMYK: Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, and Key (black).

Primary Colors

Primary colors are the main colors in a given color system.

Primary colors can not be produced by mixing other colors a color system.

The primary colors for light are Red, Green, and Blue:

RGB Red Green Blue

The primary colors for print are Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow:

CMY Cyan Magenta Yellow

The primary colors for paint are Red, Yellow, and Blue:

RYB Red Yellow Blue

Secondary Colors

Secondary colors are made by mixing two primary colors in a color system

There are 3 secondary colors in the color systems described here.

Mixing Light (RGB)

Secondary colors are Yellow, Cyan Magenta.

Red + Green = Yellow
Green + Blue = Cyan
Blue + Red = Magenta

Mixing Ink (CMY)

Secondary colors are Blue, Red, Green.

Cyan + Magenta = Blue
Magenta + Yellow = Red
Yellow + Cyan = Green

Note that mixing the primary colors of CMY produces the primary colors of light (RGB)

Mixing Paint (RYB)

Secondary colors are Orange, Green, Purple.

Red + Yellow = Orange
Yellow + Blue = Green
Blue + Red = Purple

Tertiary Colors

Tertiary colors are made by mixing one primary and one secondary color in a color system.

There are six named tertiary colors in RYB:

  • Red-Orange
  • Yellow-Orange
  • Yellow-Green
  • Blue-Green
  • Blue-Purple
  • Red-Purple